North Yorkshire County Council


Health and Adult Services


Executive Member Meeting


13th December 2024


REPORT TO Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services (HAS) in consultation with the

Executive Member for Health and Adult Services


Extension and variation of Carers Support Services



1.0          Purpose Of Report


To seek approval for the extension and variation of Carers Support Services




2.0          Executive Summary

In 2022, NYCC commissioned two providers to deliver preventative Carers Support Services across the then 7 districts of North Yorkshire in 4 Lots. 


The report seeks approval of the first extension of the contract for the ‘Provision of a Carers Support Service’ and to approve an increase in the contract value.


The current contract term ceases 30 June 2025 and there is an option to extend for a further 3+2 years.


3.0  Background


3.1  Service Background


This is an all-age contract which delivers support to young carers, parent carers and adult carers. The main aims of support delivered through the contract are:


3.2  Contract


The services are supplied as follows:


The contract is in the first 3-year term of the contract which ends on 30 June 2025. There are two periods of extension, the first three years to June 2028 and the final one to June 2030.


These services are jointly funded between NYC with investment from NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. We have received confirmation through the Joint Commissioning Group that the ICB funding will continue for the additional 3 years extension at the current rate.


The young carers element of the contract is commissioned by CYPS with a contribution from NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. We have received confirmation that CYPS support the contract extension and an increase in the contract cost.


The adults service in Craven is commissioned by Bradford Council and delivered by Carers Resource. There is an SLA between Bradford Council and North Yorkshire Council for this element.



3.3  Performance

The service is meeting the contract requirements, delivering a well-used and highly regarded service. Referrals are accepted from any source, including self-referrals and referrals from family members, carers, and professionals.


The Council has a summary of information relating to the contract which includes the number of people receiving support, types of information and support delivered, no. referrals, feedback from people who use the service and case studies.


Several challenges have been highlighted by the providers including an increase in running costs and demand particularly around support for parent carers and young carers.


4.0  Variation


Extending the existing service for the first extension period of 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2028 will allow continuation of this critical service to support unpaid carers, following a successful period of delivery by these providers since July 2022.


The contracts were let with 0% annual uplift in 2022 with an expectation that all service costs were included in the contract. Since that time, inflation has risen and an increase in costs has placed significant pressure on providers operating on tight margins.


It is recommended that a 2.2% increase be applied to this contract to support sustainability of the service - this would increase the total HAS contribution to the contract by £7956 each financial year.



4.1  Alternative Options Considered


Extending the service by 3 years will allow continuation of the current delivery of the service with no disruption to individuals accessing the support. The contract has scope to use this natural extension. Re-procurement is not required as the services are not underperforming nor does the specification require a material change.


Failure to extend the service puts a range of legal, operational and strategic delivery priorities at risk.





5.0  Financial Implications


The variation represents an adjustment of the HAS base budget from £361,637 to £369,593 each financial year.


Supplier Annual Value


HAS (adult carers) pa

HNY ICB (adult carers) pa

CYPS (young carers) pa

HNY ICB (young carers) pa

Total annual payment



£174, 993





6.0  Legal Implications

The above proposal has been approved by Procurement Assurance Board where legal and procurement risks were considered and addressed.



7.0  Conclusion and reason for recommendation/s


The Carers Support Services continue to supply good quality, well regarded and fair value services. Extending the service will give an opportunity to consolidate service delivery, ensuring continuity of service, continue the positive relationships with these providers as key partners and take account of the continuing improvement priority for carers support.



8.0       Recommendation


That the Corporate Director in consultation with the Executive Member:


1.    Approve the extension and variation of the Carers Support Service


Sally Anderson

Strategic Service Development Manager, Prevention

County Hall


13th December 2024